Karmod with its expertise in the construction sector since 1986, has been involved in the beginning of many large projects from mass housing projects to energy projects such as dams, oil and natural gas, from skyscrapers to infrastructure projects, from bridges, highway projects to social facilities, construction sites and office buildings.
Completed the construction site structures of the Şahdeniz 2 natural gas projects, which have the world's highest reserves, Karmod has produced the construction site camps 3rd Airport of the Istanbul, which will be the largest in the world with an annual passenger transfer capacity of 150 million. Also has completed the giant project of 1884 residences in a short period of 7 months in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.
With its well-organized units, fast production, installation in a short time and just in time, as well as after-sales support services, Karmod has served and continues to serve projects that have made an impact all over the world together with Türkiye.